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Renovating our church will create accessible, beautiful, and functional spaces for our ministry and our mission partners. Central to our plans is an elevator that will provide access to all five levels of our building and access to an additional 20,000 square feet for gathering, meeting, learning and worshiping space.


Church Access and Parking During the Renovation

As renovations begin, our parking lot will be closed during construction. We may use all entrances on 7th Street to the sanctuary or the Commons. We will update you on accessible spaces as the renovation progresses. We can park Sunday mornings and any evening in the Federal Courthouse alley parking spaces or on Sunday mornings Grace Lutheran's parking lot. Thanks, neighbors!


Other options are free street parking, the free municipal parking deck by the library, or the Hoogland's parking garage. Let's try to leave the 7th Street parking spaces for those with accessibility needs.

Thank you, Illinois Times, for sharing our vision

and our renovation story.

With Our New Season: Building Community, we are excited to begin dreaming with our community partners. Thanks, Karen Witter, for your attention to detail!

First Pres enlarges its welcome

Renovation to create new opportunities for community collaboration

By Karen Ackerman Witter

Pastor Susan in front of church.jpeg

The Rev. Susan Phillips welcomes all through the iconic red doors of the 1868 sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church.

The bright red arched door of First Presbyterian Church, across from Lincoln Library on Seventh Street in downtown Springfield, beckons people from all walks of life to enter.


December 2024 UPDATES

The exterior walls are going up.

O’Shea plans to have the new roof on by Christmas. Then they will begin more interior work. Very exciting! Thanks be to God!

November 2024 UPDATES

Steel has arrived!!

Structure is taking shape!

You are invited to walk by the fence on the west side of the parking lot and see for yourself before they begin enclosing the new construction.

October 2024 UPDATES



In Genesis, God creates all that is and calls it good. We are to be faithful stewards of the resources of creation.


In an era of climate change, we have new responsibilities in the midst of floods, hurricanes, fires, and ice storms. We need to change our habits to become better caretakers by reducing our consumption and utilizing renewable energy. With the support of church members and grant programs, FPC has installed its first solar panels on the roof of the education building. We will be able to collect 25kw of clean energy from the sun! This is one more way creation sustains us. 

May we do more to live sustainably with God's good creation.

Water is reconnected in the main kitchen and the adjacent restroom!!

Structural steel is due the middle of November, then we will see new construction too.

We have a basement floor!

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O'Shea has begun pouring concrete!

September 2024 UPDATES

The solar panels are being installed.