Building God's Church Through Faithful Partnerships
"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot;
together we can do great things"
~Mother Teresa
Building the kin-dom of God on earth happens in the context of community, which is strengthened when many voices are joined for a common purpose. First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, in partnership with these organizations, faithfully joins in one voice to share the good news of God's love for all inside and outside the walls of our church.

Sancti Spiritus Church, Cuba
First Presbyterian Church has had a formal partnership with la Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada en Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, for almost twenty years. We work together as the family of God, to learn and grow in faith, to love as we are loved, and to serve our neighbors. We visit one another as US visas and foreign policy allows. We write devotions to share with one another. We advocate for justice in the world with the Cuba Partners Network.
UNITED is a gathering of Open & Affirming faith communities who celebrate Divine Love for all people and advocate for LGBTQIA2S+ justice. We are located in central Illinois.
Our goals include:
1) being public witnesses,
2) listening and learning,
3) supporting one another and standing together, and
4) educating and inspiring greater love and justice.
The phrase “yet more light” originated in Pastor John Robinson’s sermon sending the Pilgrims off to the colonies, in which he stated the belief that God does not reveal God’s whole truth to any one person in any one point in history, and that we must continually be open to hearing the new things God is saying to us through the Word. – from the website
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group of clergy and lay leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole. The Covenant Network seeks to:
support the mission and unity of the Presbyterian Church (USA);
articulate and act on the church’s historic, progressive vision;
work for a fully inclusive church;
find ways to live out the graciously hospitable gospel by living together with all our fellow members in the PC(USA).
Local Partners
Habitat for Humanity of Sangamon County
Matheny-Withrow School Partnership
SOS Warming Center
Church Women United
Faith Coalition for the Common Good
Phoenix Center Fall Gayla
MLK Breakfast
Springfield PrideFest
Presbyterian Home,
St. John’s Breadline
Springfield Crop Hunger Walk
Springfield Immigration Advocacy Network
North Side Children’s Community Library
Fifth Street Renaissance
Washington Street Mission
Global Partners
Sancti Spiritus Living Waters
Caribbean Missions (Jo Ella Holman),
Cuba Partnership PCUSA
Laotian School Building Fund
Pakistan Christian Outreach Foundation
Presbyterian Disaster Relief and Offerings.